Sérgio SoutoEstrategista Criativo
Planejamento para retomada e nova fase da cerveja Bohemia com plano de ações nacional para resgate do Boteco Bohemia e conexão com públicos diversos. Projeto interrompido pela pandemia, mas a tempo da kombi sair pelas ruas e invadir algumas lives de música patrocinadas pela marca.
Planning to Bohemia’s repositioning and new brand phase with national action plan for the relaunch of Boteco Bohemia and connection with diverse audiences. Project interrupted by the pandemic, but still in time to part of it be built: a kombi (or VW van), an affectional vehicle for Brazilians, touring some sponsorship online live shows.
Planning to Bohemia’s repositioning and new brand phase with national action plan for the relaunch of Boteco Bohemia and connection with diverse audiences. Project interrupted by the pandemic, but still in time to part of it be built: a kombi (or VW van), an affectional vehicle for Brazilians, touring some sponsorship online live shows.
Coordenação de planejamento: Sérgio Souto e Thaisa Pires
Projetista: Valter Santos
Cliente: Ambev
Empresa: Do Brasil Live
Projetista: Valter Santos
Cliente: Ambev
Empresa: Do Brasil Live